Brit and Mel were my sisters

I met Mel’s sister Brit 19 years ago when we were 10. Brit and Mel were my sisters. We were inseparable. Their home was my second home and Their family was my second family. I was at their house almost every weekend. Mel loved following us around wanting to do what we were doing. We didn’t always include her but most the time we did. One of my favorite memories of Mel is when I would spend the night and and she’d want to sleep in the same room. She would be holding her black pillow sucking her thumb while plucking her pillow like a guitar. I can still hear the sound it made. I know we didn’t talk much once I moved away, but not matter the amount of time we didn’t talk for we would just pick up where we left off. You will always be in my heart Mel. My little sis ❤️ My heart is broken and my heart goes out to her family. I love you Mel.
(I wish I had pictures on my phone but they are all in photo albums)

Some Other Stories From Mel's Loved Ones
